Tuesday 28 June 2011

We Can Rebuild You part 2

Okay this is my first blog in a year and a half and after reading my last blog entry it will be near identical. Last week I burst two pairs of trousers, like a slow motion Hulk only fuelled by fat not anger. After my second trouser explosion I found a pair of trousers that fitted me fine and wore them proudly, only to discover 7 hours later, they were ripped along the arse from a previous hulk out. Nobody even noticed, I must be losing my sex appeal, this realisation , hurt more than the fact I was unaware that I pioneering pin stripe chaps.

Recently I have weighed myself on two separate scales. My Dad's set say I am 12 stone 4, the swimming pools set say I am 12 stone 5. The latter set also measured my height and stated I was taller than I thought , so for now I'll believe that I'm 12 stone 5lbs. I plan to be 11 stone soon. This means I have to shed 19lbs, its going to be rough. Thankfully my mate Stephen has agreed to do the same diet and exercise regime as I; no beer, no bread, no take away's , while swimming twice a week.

We started this 0n Sunday and it is now Tuesday this seems quite easy, however I feel like I have been eating loads more than I normally would. Well I have been eating more often, typically I would have three fat filled meals a day, but now and especially today I have been constantly grazing.

My intake for today includes:

1 litre of strawberry and banana smoothie
2 bananas
2 necatrines
x amount of grapes and raspberries (which were hairy for some reason)
1 satsuma
1 salami salad
1 chicken tikka salad
a fuckton (metric) of coffee
1 and soon to be 2 glasses of red wine.

I'm also on a budget at the moment but eating healthily is actually expensive I'll just need to get my shit together and prioritise things or at the very least do an organised shop. I intend to use this blog to chart my progress so lets see how things progress. I go on holiday in just under two months and therefore I need all the cash I can get, therefore I need to lose weight to save my current wardrobe as I can't afford a new one.